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Jay’s Cody Whitlock – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Trench Brothers

By: Hunter Ferguson

Jay baseball player Cody Whitlock told VYPE in a recent interview that he has learned a lot from his participation in baseball explaining that “It has taught me to always strive to be my best, and never give up. Baseball has taught me to be disciplined and that hard work pays off.” In fact, his favorite part about this team is “the guys”. “We always have fun and help each other. Two of the many things that are great about being on any team” said Whitlock.

Whitlock, who “was recently selected to page for Representative Josh West” at the State Capital, “was selected to participate in a National Baseball Factory training event that took place at the Pittsburgh Pirates training facility in Florida.” Something that helped motivate him throughout that experience was a piece of advice that was given to him which he shared with us. Saying “No matter how many times you get knocked down you have to get back up and keep going. Never give up.”

This year, Whitlock wants “to keep good grades, make new friends, and continue to work hard and grow at the game of baseball.” He will also be continuing his participation in his schools Science Club, Art Club, and National Honors Society. “I am in these groups because I want to be a part of my school and be involved with school as much as I can” said Whitlock.

No matter what activity he is doing, Whitlock expressed that “My family is my number one fan. They are always there for me no matter what. From travel ball to school ball, no matter how cold or hot it is outside and no matter the struggles. I can always count on them. Their support and encouragement means everything to me.”

He also shared “I want to take this opportunity to thank all my coaches, trainers, and family. All of their help, advice, and encouragement has helped get me to where I am today and will be what keeps me going, helps me grow and go further in my baseball career.”

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