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Q&A with Softballer Jovy Ward – Presented by RibCrib

VYPE: Jovy, what grade are you in, what position do you play and when did you start playing softball?
Jovy Ward: I’m in the 10th grade, I am a catcher and 3rd baseman. I started playing softball by playing T-ball when I was four, I started to take softball seriously in the 5th grade when I joined a travel softball team. 

VYPE: What is the strength of your game and what did you improved on for this season?
JW: I bring a positive energy and good communication. I improved my catching ability.

VYPE: Have you been impressed with a teammate this season or have a former teammate who left an impression on you?
JW: Ashtyn Glass always impresses me, she has a great attitude, work ethic, and she is always fun to be around.

VYPE: What is your favorite memory or moment as a player for Jay HS?
JW: During the Joplin tournament our game was postponed, and we started a sing-off with the other team.

VYPE: What makes JHS a great place for you as a student-athlete?
JW: It makes me more responsible because as an honor student I must maintain my work even while I’m not in class.

VYPE: Which teammate keeps everyone laughing, who is the most serious?
JW: I can’t think of a specific teammate I think we all just feed off each other’s energy. Kyler Howe took the game very seriously, but she never forgot to enjoy it.

VYPE: How do you mentally prepare yourself for competition?
JW: I listen to music to focus on the game.

VYPE: What do you love most about your teammates and are you playing any other sports?
JW: We always find a way to laugh, and there isn’t a girl of the team I couldn’t talk to, everyone is very welcoming and supportive. I also play basketball and I throw shot and discus in track.

VYPE: What’s the goal for life after high school?
JW: I plan to get my cosmetology license and go play softball in college.

VYPE: What will you remember most about this season? 
JW: I will remember getting All-District for catching, that is something I am very proud to have received.

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